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  • Collection: Louisa County Historical Society

“In 1940, prior to U.S. entry into World War II, the first peacetime draft in our nation’s history was enacted in response to increased world tension and the system was able to fill wartime manpower needs smoothly and rapidly after the attack on…

Sarah Kennedy Butler

Sarah Jane Butler Whitlock was the wife of John Henry Whitlock, the sister of William Samuel Butler, and the daughter of Lewis Henry Butler and Lavinia Louisa Butler.

Sarah "Sadie" Moore Butler of Mineral, Virginia was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Butler.

Salem Church Register for Web.pdf
Records of marriages, deaths, membership at Salem Christian Church from the late 1800s and early 1900s. Included are several segregated lists of white and black church members.

Elisha Melton 1.jpg
Elisha Melton once owned a sizable portion of real estate in and around Louisa Court House. He was in deeply in debt by 1854 and his extensive property was put up for public auction to pay his debts. The images here are from the account kept by H.…

These items are a griddle and waffle iron. Implements such as these were used in the 18th century for hearth cooking. Both the griddle and waffle iron were found near Patrick Henry's home "Roundabout" in Louisa County.

This is the home of Patrick Henry. He began his political career by representing Louisa County in the House of Burgesses. He earned this position after defending the vestry of Louisa County against Reverend James Maury, who taught Thomas Jefferson…

Rosa Toler

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In this document, the Road Commissioner for Green Springs. The commissioner has granted $243.17 to local parties in need of transportation improvements. Uses for the money include the buying, feeding, and bringing of mules. It appears that, on the…

In this document, Robert Harris swears his allegiance to the government of Virginia during the Revolutionary War in 1777. If one did not sign the oath, he would have been suspiciously looked upon for Tory sympathies which could bring negative…

Rev. Tucker served the mission churches of the Episcopal Diocese of Vigininia, one of which ws St. James Episcopal Church in the Town of Louisa.

Ionia Slave Burial Site1.jpg
Virginia Department of Historic Resources Cemeteries Page OnlineCemetery GeoForm onlineThe Excel worksheets available here are best viewed by downloading them and then accessing the information, as they have thousands of lines each. They are…

In this image, a group of miners poses in the road dividing residents housing. Many of the miners lived, worked, and raised their families around the mines. Because of the entirety of their lives being based at the mines, they established churches…

First Lieutenant Joseph N. Porter was initially an Army Exchange Officer and later a Supply Officer, Administrative. Between October 1942 to December 1944, Porter handled the requisition and distribution of Army post exchange supplies to the entire…

This receipt, from the Virginia Public Service Company, is dated January 1930; Mrs. L.W. Massie of Louisa, Virginia paid 2.00 for her electrical energy consumption. Calculating for inflation, this would be approximately $26.13 by today’s…

This document, reproduced at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation (SFPE) in Fort Mason, California on June 29, 1943, reflects the ongoing rationing practices; the people subjected to these procedures and practices included not only American…

Stamps, such as these from the third ration book, were used to purchase various rationed items of the time.

This document is a letter from the Virginia State Registrar to all Local Registrars in Virginia demanding that the physicians and midwives take better care when writing ceritificates of birth and death. He explains that these certificates will become…
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