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LCBirths 1853 pg004
1, May 1, John W. Bullock, white, free, male, Mary C, Bullock, Granville Bullock, Father
2, November 13, William, black, slave, male, Betsy Ann, Granvlle Bullock, Owner
3, March 25, James W. Melton, white, free, male, Louisa A.…

LCBirths 1853 pg003
1, April 15, James Henry, black, slave, male, Mildred, William Gentry, Owner
2, May 7, Lucy Ellen, black, slave, female, Julia, David Richardson, Owner
3, March 11, Marcellus, black, slave, male, Nancy, Robert Duggins,…

LC Births 1853 p.002
1, November 1, Reuben, black, slave male, unknown, B.T., Winston, Owner
2, June 20, not known, black, slave, male, unknown, Dorothy, Pearsons,Owner, A.G. Bowles, Executor
3, April 10, Patrick, black, slave, male, unknown,…

Louisa County Birth Records 1853 - Register Page 1
1, October 8, 1853, Camilla, Garland, White, , Female, Charles, Tisdale, America, Tisdale, Tisdale, Charles , Tisdale, Farther
2, December 28, 1853, Without name, , White, , Female, Elijah,…

Back Row: W. Earle Crank (Future Commonwealth's Attorney for Louisa County for 40 years), Henry S. Daniel, Jr. (Become beloved physician and built the Louisa Hospital), Atwood M. Wash ( who became a dentist in Richmond) , Welford J. Massie (became…

The Married Woman’s Property Act which allowed married women to hold property separately from their husbands finally passed in VA in 1877 (the last state to do so, by the way)… this was a delicate period where women, of necessity, became vital…

Electricity meant everything from refrigeration to electric stoves and artificial lighting, and rural electrification radically altered the lives of rural women.

Zelma was the wife of William Shelton. They appear together in the second photo.…

Bushrod Michie was born into slavery and, after the war, lived near Poindexter. He was appointed to carry the mail to the area from Trevilians Depot around the turn of the century (1900).

Bushrod's son, Harry, became a member of the White House…

It appears from the poll registration book transcriptions that Mrs. Maude Maddox of Poindexter was the very first woman to register to vote in Louisa County. She actually registered in June of 1920 a bit before the 19th Amendment was ratified. …

Home demonstration clubs sprang up all across Virginia led by Home Demonstration Agents employed by the state. These groups became vital sources of female companionship, education about food preservation and productions, and how to create more…

Mamie Johnson talks about how her mother had to go out and find work to support her 6 children. There wasn't much work in the area that paid a living wage for her family.

Alma Mason talks about how after placing an order for food at a local drug store, her sister wasn't allowed to sit on a stool. When the man told Alma's sister she had to get up, Alma decided they would leave without getting the food they had ordered
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