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Enumeration of males over 21 for taxation of personal property.

Enumeration of males over 21 for taxation of personal property.

Enumeration of males over 21 for taxation of personal property.

Enumeration of males over 21 for taxation of personal property.

Enumeration of males over 21 for taxation of personal property.

Captain Francis Marion McMullen and his wife Virginia Ann ran a school in Stanardsville after the Civil War. In August 1868 he bought the 10 acre Stanardsville property on which Forest Hill Academy stands, and built this school house. It is not known…


Church became a strong symbol in the African American community after the Civil War. To African Americans, the church was a place where they were in control and free of oppression. One of the first African American churches to be built and organized…

This is the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Station (built 1918) at Fredericks Hall, Virginia. The railroad was operated under several names during it's history.

When the Virginia Central Railroad Company first built the line into Louisa County in…

1848 letter from Clerk of Court for Fluvanna County, Virginia registry paper for free negro, signed Abram Shepherd.

National Archives and Records Administration, M1913, Roll 103, Frame 669

Arrangement is recommended, when it can be effected, between private parties. Already many farmers have rented lands to freedmen and refugees. This course is a recognition…
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