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Helen Hoy Greeley was an early and significant voice for the women’s suffrage movement. Born in Albany, New York in 1878, she received her law degree and began to practice in 1903. Se became deeply involved in the Women's Suffrage Movement. In…

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Washington, D.C. Suffrage Parade.jpg
The image attached shows the start of the suffrage parade in Washington, D.C. The year is unknown. Image courtesy of the Library of Congress. The women’s suffrage movement spread nationwide, though some areas faced harsher conditions and…

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The image comes from the Department of Historic Resources.   In the article attached, from 1915, the Richmond Evening Journal is writing to warn the citizens of what women could do with the right to vote.  It highlights where there are more colored…

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These two images show members of the state WCTU, including Mrs. R. E. Trice, Sr., in the close-up. Women who felt that alcohol was destroying their families and their society formed the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. It was a prestigious…

(Pictured is the A. G. Richardson school for African-American students in Louisa County, Virginia.)

The 1954 the Supreme Court decision known as Brown v. Board of Education overturned the previous “separate but equal” ruling on which a decades…

Michie House b and w cropped.jpg
This house was moved in 2013 to a new location at The Sargeant Museum in the Town of Louisa.


1923 The Jeanes Fund.jpg
Securing funds for a new school in 1923

19220401 Letter Front.jpg
Front and back of a letter discussing funds

19220804 Do not believe in Rosenwald Fund.jpg
Letter to Mr. Hayden stating that the current board does not believe in the Rosenwald Fund

19220905 Letter Amount Pay for Certificate.jpg
Letter stating how much the board will pay

19220907 Board Meeting Notice Post Card Back.jpg
letter stating the date of the next school board meeting

19230426 Letter Suggest Meeting w Supervisor.jpg
Letter stating that the supervisor will be unable to meet the second monday in may.

19230502 Reply Letter Suggest Meeting w Supervisor.jpg
Reply letter stating that he can meet anytime in June

Letter stating that the supervisor can visit the school on June 8th

19230609 Letter Thanks for Kindness during Visit.jpg
Letter from the supervisor giving thanks for kindness during his visit
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