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Civil Rights in Virginia.pdf
The PDF file to the right is based upon a powerpoint presentation funded by Dominion Virginia Power. The presentation uses photos, many from the Louisa County Historical Society archives, to tell the story of Civil Rights from the end of the Civil…

In this document, Robert S. Cosby signed an oath of loyalty to the federal government in May of 1865. After the Civil War, veterans and other supporters of the Confederacy were required to sign such documents to be granted amnesty and avoid…


Certificate of exemption as an agriculturalist for William Walton


Exemption papers for Confederate military duty for C. L. Goodwin on the basis of his lumber contract with the Virginia Central Railroad


Fighting fires was one of the jobs of the workers at CCC Camp Monticello. Mike Fabian and Ben Fields, pictured here with fire buckets, were among the men who performed this duty.

This photograph shows Camp Monticello, the CCC camp that was located near Boswell's Tavern. Camp Monticello was begun in 1939 to provide work for men ages 18-25 during the Great Depression and existed until WWII. Most of the workers at Camp…

This photograph shows where workers lived during their employment at CCC camp P-82, which was located in Mineral. Camp P-82 provided work during the Great Depression beginning in 1932 until WWII in 1942. Like at Camp Monticello, the workers cleared…

Garland FBR Transcriptions.PDF
Until 1877, married women in Virginia could not own property, so the size of their inheritance certainly made them consider marriage carefully.

Matriarch of the sisters was Clara Garland, born about 1800 and a 65 year old women at the end of the…

This is a Clovis spear point made of jasper found around five miles north of the town of Louisa in close proximity to other artifacts in the Native People collection at the Sargeant Museum. It is approximately 2.25 x 1 inches and is brown in color.…

On November 29, 1942 coffee joined the list of rationed items in the United States. While coffee production itself was not affected by the war, the distribution suffered as a result of the prioritization of the military's shipping needs. Demands…

This is a notice that was sent to Samuel Harris from the President of the Louisa Rail-Road Company on January 30, 1838. It informs him that they are motioning to take Harris' private land for the railroad's public use. The railroad is petitioning the…

Bond issued to W.H. Harris of Louisa County for $500 from the Confederate States of America. Payable two years after ratification of a peace treaty with the United States with 6% interest.

Date of issue July 20, 1864.

$1,000 Bond issued to L.R. Swift by the Confederate States of America, payable ten years from date of issue with 8% interest. (See pdf file for detailed view.)

Confederate bond written to W.H. Harris

Confederate bond written to L.R. Swift.

Confederate bond written to William Overton

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The faces of confederate one, one hundred, and twenty dollar bills displaying southern individuals and scenes.

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Confederate ten and fifty dollar bills displaying important figures and scenes of the south

This image shows the building of interstate 64 through Louisa County on May 27, 1969. This was one of many attempts to improve transportation in the area during the time period.
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