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Louisa County Free Black Register Book 1, No 135 & 136A


Dublin Core


Louisa County Free Black Register Book 1, No 135 & 136A


N.o 135
In Louisa County Court Clerks Office October the 1832
Casandra Robertson daughter of Winney Robertson, a free woman of colour, this day made application in the said office to be registered according to law. It is therefore certified to all whom it may concern that the said Casandra Robertson is of rather light complexion, but not bright, about five feet two inches high, twenty five years old, has a bushy head of hair, and a small black mole on the finger next the little finger of the right hand, and no other apparent mark or scar deemed worthy of notice.

N.o 136
In Louisa County Court Clerks Office, October the 1832
Nancy Jackson daughter of Winney Jackson, a free woman of colour, this day made application in the said office to be registered according to law. It is therefore certified to all whom it may concern that the said Nancy Jackson is of light dark complexion in the twenty seventh year of her age about five feet four inches high, has an enlargment of the throat and a scar thereon, occasioned by a burn, also a scar a little under the right jaw and one on the thumb of the left hand, no other apparent mark or scar deemed worthy of notice


Louisa County Historical Society



