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104, FRAME 454

Louisa C.H. Nov. 12th 1868
Maj: M.S. Hopkins
Dear Sir
Your faver by Edmund rec’d. The judgement he complains of was obtained against him and one John Oliver last April Cir. Court. Process regularly served upon him…

National Archives and Records Administration, M1913, Roll 104, Frame 457
This article of agreement entered into this 1st day of January 1867 between L.T.D. Falkner and Caster Patrick of the County of Va
That – the said Falkner agrees…

While many African American families struggled to survive as well as to receive a good education, there were a few families who prospered after emancipation. Reuben Gordon was a former slave who worked on the Garland Plantation. After the Civil War,…

The historic Shady Grove School was born out of a need to provide a facility for the education of black students in the Jackson District near Gum Spring. In the words of former State Supervisor of Negro Education(1925), W. D. Gresham,"the Shady Grove…

This document is a pamphlet directing Local Registrars and "Other Agents in Adminstration of the Law" on how to register indivduals on birth certificates. This pamphlet also contains a copy of the Racial Purity Act laws (for use at the discretion of…

These images are photos of Jeff Porter and his home. Porter was born sometime in 1849. Throughout his lifetime in Louisa County, Porter lived at Trevillians Depot. We know little more about him than what these photos reveal, except that he was a…
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