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This document is a letter from the Virginia State Registrar to all Local Registrars in Virginia demanding that the physicians and midwives take better care when writing ceritificates of birth and death. He explains that these certificates will become…

Julius Rosenwald, President of Sears & Roebuck, was not only an entreprenuer, but he was also a philanthropist. Rosenwald created the Rosenwald Fund to help build schools for disadvantaged African Americans in the South during the segregation…

This document is a notification of an auction that is scheduled to be held at the front door of the Louisa Courthouse on the first Monday in January of 1936. The items in up for auction are tracts of land whose owners failed to pay the taxes on the…

This document is a voting registration sheet that gives the names of all black ("colored") men and women who are registered to vote in the year 1946. The document states that the individuals on the document (all residents of the Louisa Courthouse…

The historic Shady Grove School was born out of a need to provide a facility for the education of black students in the Jackson District near Gum Spring. In the words of former State Supervisor of Negro Education(1925), W. D. Gresham,"the Shady Grove…

After his parent's death, Virginia law inhibited John Mercer Langston and the other children of Ralph Quarles and Lucy Langston from inheriting his father's estate. A friend, William Gooch, helped John and his brothers relocate in Ohio. As a young…

William Jackson Walton served as the Superintendent of the Jackson District from 1871 until 1884 when he became one of the earliest Superintendents of Schools in Louisa County. As Superintendent, Walton kept records of how many schools were in each…

This document is a contract between William B. Cocke and “his former servants.” The agreement specifies that his servants are to “bind themselves to go on to work on the farm and to do and attend to all the business…faithfully and…

This document is a sharecropping contract between Richard Kennon and Samuel Brown. The agreement specifies that Brown is to repair a house located on Kennon’s land. He must also cultivate the land around the house. Brown’s work must be complete…

This document is a contract between John A. Walker and Casina Shepard. The agreement specifies that Ms. Shepard is to perform her duties as a laborer on the property of Mr. Walker. She is to be given five dollars a month for her and her son’s work.…

“Schools may have been opened sooner in this district [Louisa Courthouse District] than some others, because the County seat was located here, it was more accessible, more thickly populated and easier for a number of people to assemble for…

John Mercer Langston was born on December 14, 1829 to a freed slave, Lucy Langston, and a white man of “extreme old age," Ralph Quarles. At the time of Langston's birth, Virginia law specified that all children would be born into a “free or bond…

This pay receipt demonstrates a short period of equality between white and African American teachers in the Jackson District of Louisa. Later, this pay receipt, for Alice Burrows, an African American teacher, would be much lower than that of a white…
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