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N.o 27
Louisa County Court Clerks Office October 1819
Registered this day according to an act of assembly Mary the daughter of Celia who said Celia and Mary was emancipated together with their future increase by a Deed of manumition from…

N.o 3
Louisa County to wit June 1816
Doshia, a Negro Woman, emancipated by the Last Will & Testament of Christ.r Wood late of this County, about 21 years of age, a scar on the right arm, occasiond by a burn, of a light complexion, pretty full…

N.o 30
Louisa County Court Clerks Office November 1819
Registered this day Sarah Mann daughter of Charity Mann, (the said Charity Mann was born free) and the said Sarah was formely bound to John Gunnell of this County, The said Sarah is in hr…

N.o 31
Louisa Clerks Office (court)
Lucy a negro woman emancipated by the Rev.d John Poindexter. This day made application to be registered in the said office, agreeably to the provisions of an act of the general assembly of Virginia in that case…

N.o 33
Louisa County (to wit) John Captain son of William & Lucy Captain who said William & Lucy Captain was emancipated by John Boswell deceased, this day made application to be registered in the said office, agreeably to the provisions of an act…

N.o 35
Louisa County to wit
Wilson Kenney a man of colour born free, this day made application in the clerks office of the said County to be registered in conformity to an act of the General Assembly of Virginia in that case made and provided…

N.o 36
Virginia=Louisa County Court Clerks Office Aug.t 3.d 1821
Mary Putney daughter of Fanny Putney (who was born free) this day made application to be registered (in conformity with an act of the General Assembly of Virginia in that case made…

N.o 37
Virginia=Louisa County Court Clerks Office August 1821
Pleasant Mosby son of Phillis Mosby (who was born free) this day made application to be registered in conformity with an act of the General Assembly of Virginia in that case made &…

N.o 39
Virginia-Louisa County Court Clerks Office December the 1821
Garland Dickenson is a man of colour who was bound to Anderson Bunch by an Indenture filed in the said office bearing date the day of April 1806, This day made…

N.o 42
Virginia Louisa County Court Clerks Office July 1822
Jack a person of color emancipated by a deed of manumition from the Rev.d John Poindexter dec.d this day made application in the said office to be registered agreeably to an act of…

N.o 43
Virginia Louisa County Court Clerks Office November the 1822
Winney Going daughter of Elizabeth Going who was born free, this day made application in the said office to be registered, agreeably to an act of the General Assembly of…

N.o 44
Virginia Louisa County Court Clerks Office Dec.r 1822
Tarlton a man of colour son of Edy, both of whom were emancipated by the Rev.d John Poindexter deceased, this day made application in the office to be registered, agreebly to the…

N.o 45
In Virginia Louisa County Court Clerks Office Feby 1823
William Edwards a person of colour (the son of Edward Edwards) who was born free this day made application in the said office to be registered agreeably to an act of the General…

N.o 47
Virginia: Louisa County Court Clerks Office January the third 1824
Sam Jackson, Son of Polly Jackson a free woman of colour, of said County, this day made application in the said office to be registered, agreeably to an act of the General…

N.o 48
Virginia Set:
In Louisa County Court Clerks Office July the 1824 John Richardson (a man of colour) who was born free (the son of Martha Richardson of this County), this day made application in the said office to be registered agreeably…

N.o 49
Virginia, Louisa County Set
Be it remembered that on the day of July 1824, David Kinney, a man of colour, (born free in the said County) this day made application in the clerks office of the said County to be registered, agreeably to…

N.o 50
In Louisa County Court Clerks Office October the 1824
Charles a negro man this day emancipated by a deed of manumition from Edy his wife to him which said deed was this day acknowledged in open court by the said Edy and certified to…

N.o 51
In Louisa County Clerks Office October the Eigth One thousand eight hundred and twenty four-Edy a woman of colour emancipated by a deed of mamunumition from the Rev.d John Poindexter dec.d to the said Edy bearing date the day of October…

N.o 52
Virginia-In Louisa County Court Clerks Office October the Eigth, One thousand Eight hundred and twenty four
Betsey a Woman of Colour emancipated by a deed of manumition from the Rev.d John Poindexter dec.d to the said Betsey bearing date…

N.o 53
In Louisa County Court Clerks Office October the 1824
George Washington son of Betsey (who said Betsey was emancipated by the Rev.d John Poindexter and the said George Washington was born free since the emancipation of his mother) was…
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