This small booklet is among the 1860 tax records. It contains the names, family relationships, location and occupation of free persons of color on the eve of the Civil War. The list contains many names but does not seem to be comprehensive.
National Archives and Records Administration, M1913, Roll 103, Frame 822
Louisa C.H., Va.
February 12th, 1866
Jas. Ashworth
Capt. & Asst. Supt.
Asks instructions for finding our orphan…
National Archives and Records Administration, M1913, Roll 103, Frame 707
May be of service in carrying out the designs of the government, in regard to Refugees and Freedmen, and report to this office in order that requisition may be made for the…
National Archives and Records Administration, M1913, Roll 103, Frame 669
Arrangement is recommended, when it can be effected, between private parties. Already many farmers have rented lands to freedmen and refugees. This course is a recognition…
1, Alfred P, Torbert, Bertha, Melton, 24, 19
2,Dewey, Cales, Florence, Bowles, 26, 22
3, Edward E, Badgett, Rosa L, Baker, 24, 16
4, Walter A, Deale, Mary Alice, Ward, 24, 19
5, Bernard H, Melton, Minnie M, Johnson, 21, 19
6, Eric, Peetz, Audrey…