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  • Tags: African American

Easter Cluff was an enslaved woman sold by Samuel Clough in the mid-1850s. This letter, written in 1866 by her last owner before emancipation is addressed from Macon, Georgia, in the hopes of learning from anyone in Louisa County about Easter's…

National Archives and Records Administration, M1913, Roll 104, Frame 457
This article of agreement entered into this 1st day of January 1867 between L.T.D. Falkner and Caster Patrick of the County of Va
That – the said Falkner agrees…

104, FRAME 454

Louisa C.H. Nov. 12th 1868
Maj: M.S. Hopkins
Dear Sir
Your faver by Edmund rec’d. The judgement he complains of was obtained against him and one John Oliver last April Cir. Court. Process regularly served upon him…

National Archives and Records Administration, M1913, Roll 104, Frame 309

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Off. A.S.ct. C. Div. Orange and Louisa Cos. Va
Gordonsville May 8th, 1867
A.S. A. Com. Richmond Va
Bureau R.F. and…
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