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Louisa County Free Black Register Book 1, No 84 & 85A


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Louisa County Free Black Register Book 1, No 84 & 85A


N.o 84
Virginia-In Louisa County Court Clerks Office July the 1830. Rhoda daughter of Sarah emancipated by the Rev.d John Poindexter dec.d this day made application in the said office to be registered according to law. It is therefore certified to all to whom it may concern, that the said Rhoda is a dark complected negro (but not very black) about five feet four inches high, in the twenty first year of her age, has a small scar on the back of the left hand, just above her fingers, & has no other apparent mark or scar. The scar alluded to was caused by a burn
In Louisa County Court July the 1830
The foregoing Register was this day compared by the court, with the said Rhoda, and ordered to be certified to be correctly taken.
In testimony whereof, I John Hunter clerk of the said court, have hereto put my hand and caused the public seal of the said court to be hereto affixed this day of July 1830 in the year of our foundation (Sig.) John Hunter C.L.C.

N.o 85
In Louisa County Court Clerks Office the day of December 1830 James Tyree son of Sam & Nancy Tyree who was born free this day made application in the said office to be registered according to law: It is therefore certified to all to whom it may concern, that the said James Tyree is a man of rather a yellowish complexion five feet eight inches high, about twenty years of age, the end of the little finger on the left hand cut off and a scar above the left eye (in the brow) occasioned by a fall-No other apparent mark or scar
In Louisa County Court
The foregoing register was this day compared by the court with the said James Tyree and ordered to be certified to be correctly taken.
In testimony whereof I John Hunter Clerk of the said court have hereto put my hand and caused the Public seal of said Court to be hereto affixed this day of December 1830 in the year of our foundation (Sig.) John Hunter C.L.C.


Louisa County Historical Society



